The Barwon Health Pharmacy Department has a wide research focus encompassing advanced hospital pharmacy practice, workforce innovation, telehealth, radiopharmacy, medication safety, antimicrobial stewardship and smoking cessation. In addition, the Pharmacy Department supports more than 100 investigator-led and industry sponsored clinical trials within Barwon Health.

The Barwon Health Pharmacy Department continues to be heavily involved in supporting clinical trials.   The clinical trial pharmacy team supports more than 100 industry sponsored trials as well as a growing number of Investigator-lead studies.  Trial activity continues to expand into new areas including early phase trials, genetically modified organisms and CAR-T therapy in cancer. Management of investigational products is the key component of this support.  The current trials cover most disciplines including haematology/oncology, infectious disease, anaesthetics, intensive care, paediatrics, cardiology and psychiatry.

Click here to watch the role of clinical trials pharmacists: Ms Tracy Shields, Clinical Trials Pharmacist, Pharmacy Unit, Barwon Health (3 min)

Recent Research Highlights

  • Smoking Cessation Research: Barwon Health played a central role in organising, managing and recruiting over 100 participants into a clinical trial of treatment options for smokers admitted to hospital. The study found that participants treated with both varenicline and nicotine lozenges had 84 per cent greater odds (chance) to abstain from smoking when self-reporting their progress at a 12-month follow up, compared with those taking varenicline alone.
    Weeks GR, Gobarani RK, Abramson MJ, et al. Varenicline and Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smokers Admitted to Hospitals: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024; 7(6):e2418120. Funding source: Global Research Awards for Nicotine Dependence (GRAND) 2017
  • The Patient @ Home Study: This study was completed looking at advanced practice scope for pharmacists embedded in @home services in regional and rural settings. The advanced scope of practice made a positive impact on patient care, with significant timely identification and resolution of medication-related problems and improved pharmacist job satisfaction. The role was well received by patients and the multidisciplinary team. The advanced scope has become an ongoing part of the @home pharmacist role. Funding source: Department of Health Victoria
  • Cancer Study: Recruitment and analysis of data is continuing in a study looking at the impact of a pharmacist-led telephone follow-up for cancer patients taking capecitabine (an oral chemotherapy drug) that may help identify side effects early and allow prompt management. Nhi Le is conducting the project as part of the Monash University Clinical Master of Pharmacy degree.

Research Areas

The Barwon Health Pharmacy Department wished to improve data reporting processes using appropriate digital tools like dashboards. Incorporating digital solutions into data reporting closely aligns with the organisation’s focus on innovation in the healthcare space. Dashboards allow easier data visualisation and provide information that can lead to better data insights. Focus has been given to understand the user requirements in this project as human-centered approach is essential to the co-design process of developing an effective dashboard. This was done through consultations with pharmacists who are potential users and subject matter experts to share their technical knowledge. An interactive dashboard with self-service capability which displays metrics such as drug cost, usage, ward location, and period will allow pharmacists to gain insight into the financial impact of pharmaceuticals. Microsoft Power BI is available within the organisation and collaboration with Business Intelligence team members can facilitate the development process. 

Master of Digital Health (La Trobe University): Andrew Chin – Exploring the use of digital dashboard for reporting pharmacy data

There is currently limited data, especially in the Australian context on interventions to enhance patient adherence to oral chemotherapy agents. The use of oral agents in cancer care is rapidly expanding. Reported adherence rates vary widely and the general view is that patients struggle to adhere to their oral cancer medications. This study aims to undertake a randomised controlled trial comparing an intensive clinical pharmacy intervention involving counselling and follow up versus the usual standard of care in patients taking newly initiated oral cancer therapies. If adherence can be improved this approach may become the standard of care and provide evidence to support additional resources in pharmacy cancer care. A secondary aim will be to review the outcomes of undertaking a detailed medication review and reconciliation looking for differences in medication management between the groups. Data capture will include any medication interactions, complementary medicines and discrepancies related to evidence-based therapy for cancer and non-cancer medical conditions

Funding: Barwon South Western Regional Integrated Cancer Service

This study aims to co-design a model of perioperative medicines management based on consumer experiences and a literature search. This will inform a facilitated consensus model developed by, and incorporating preferences and needs of consumers and clinical stakeholders.

Other aims include:

  • Evaluation of the clinical significance of interventions made by pharmacist within developed model of care and compare to literature. Patients undergoing surgery require an accurate medication history to identify high-risk medicines, prevent medication error and safely plan for care. A medication history is established from various sources, including information obtained from patients, carers, general practitioners, community pharmacies, previous admissions and nursing homes.
  • An evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, sustainability and potential for dissemination of the model to other health services from the perspectives of patients and health professionals.
  • The applicability of funding mechanisms assessment e.g. Tier 2 NWAU funding

Quality Education and Training in hospital pharmacy is essential to ensure a competent and confident pharmacy workforce and best patient care for medication management. The role of the pharmacist in health care has significantly evolved within the last 10 years, and hence having abled and sufficient pharmacy educators is essential. This study aimed to understand the scope of practice and staffing levels of hospital pharmacy educators in Australian Hospitals.

The study results have now been collated and discussions are held with the national professional organisation, the Society of Hospital Pharmacists Australia (SHPA), to incorporate the findings into Standards of Clinical Pharmacy Practice Guidelines and to advocate for appropriate levels of trained educators in Australian hospital pharmacy to support the development of the pharmacy workforce to optimise patient care.

Partnership with Monash University. Assoc Prof Johnson George

Enhancing adherence and self-management in the treatment of respiratory conditions (ENGAGEMENT) is a pragmatic study driving the uptake of technology-supported self-management interventions for chronic respiratory diseases. This builds on our extensive research in the management of chronic respiratory conditions using consumer-centred interdisciplinary approaches, behaviour change interventions and health technology, and our ongoing influential partnerships in research and practice in all care settings with consumers, clinicians, policy makers and other key stakeholders.

ENGAGEMENT will test the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a nurse-supported, technology-enabled, action plan-guided self-management program for asthma and COPD. It is a 5-year study in three phases, including a pragmatic, single-blind, randomised controlled trial (RCT), to improve health-related quality of life, treatment adherence and health resource utilisation.

Funding: 2023 MRFF Chronic Respiratory Conditions ($1,999,924)

Collaborating Organisations

Monash University Deakin University
Western Alliance BSWRICS
Department of Health  Society of Hospital Pharmacists

Research Team

Research Staff

  • Dr Greg Weeks, Director of Pharmacy
  • Dr Diana Bortoletto, Pharmacy Workforce Development and Research Lead
  • Janice Chiang, Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist
  • Garth Birdsey Senior Cardiac Pharmacist
  • Katherine Snowden, Oncology trials pharmacist
  • Nhi Le Research oncology pharmacist
  • Tracy Shields, Clinical trials pharmacist

Research Students

  • Master of Clinical Pharmacy (Monash University): Matt Hollett, Nhi Lee
  • Masters of Business Administration (Deakin University): Derek Chai
  • Masters of Business Administration (University of Adelaide): Tommy Sperac

Research Grants

  • Department of Health. Advanced practice scope for pharmacists embedded in @home services in regional and rural settings 2022-2024
  • A randomised controlled trial of an intensive clinical pharmacy intervention versus usual care in patients taking newly initiated oral cancer therapies: 2022-2024
  • Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre. Co-design and evaluation of a perioperative medicines management service at regional hospital sites in Western Victoria: 2023-2024

Weeks GR, Gobarani RK, Abramson MJ, et al. Varenicline and Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smokers Admitted to Hospitals: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(6):e2418120. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.18120
Gobarani RK, Weeks GR, Abramson MJ, Bonevski B, Paul E, Webb A, et al. Which smokers enrol in a hospital based smoking cessation trial? Survey of smoking related behaviours, quit attempts and motivation to quit. Revision Submitted to Health Promot J Austr. 2022.
Gobarani RK, Weeks GR, Abramson MJ, Bonevski B, Liau SJ, George J. Experiences of hospitalized smokers initiated on varenicline as part of a pragmatic smoking cessation trial. J Addict Dis. 2022:1-9. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2022.2101339.
Evaluating the efficacy and safety of varenicline as a sole pharmacotherapy vs. in combination with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) lozenges in assisting smoking cessation among hospitalised smokers: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Gobarani R, Abramson MJ, Bonevski B, Weeks GR, Dooley MJ, Smith B, Veale A, Webb A, Kirsa S, Thomas D. BMJ Open. 2020; 10:e038184.
The effectiveness of a simple antimicrobial stewardship intervention in general practice in Australia: a pilot study. Neels AJ, Bloch AEGwini SMAthan E. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020 20(586).
Interventions for improving medication-taking ability and adherence in older adults prescribed multiple medications. Cross AJ, Elliott RA, Petrie K, Kuruvilla L, George J. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020;5(5): CD012419.
Comprehensive identification of medication‐related problems occurring prior to, during and after emergency department presentation: An Australian multicentre, prospective, observational study. Taylor SE, Mitri EA, Harding AM, Taylor DM, Weeks A, Abbott L, Lambros P, Lawrence D, Strumpman D, Senturk‐Raif R, et al. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(3): 457-465.
 Multi‐site evaluation of partnered pharmacist medication charting and in‐hospital length of stay. Tong EY, Mitra B, Yip G, Galbraith K, Dooley MJ. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020;86(2): 285-290.
Impact of proactive pharmacist‐assisted warfarin management using an electronic medication management system in Australian hospitalised patients. Tyedin AE, Taylor SE, Than J, Al‐Alawi R, O’Halloran E, Chau A. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research. 2020;50: 144-151.

Support Our Research

Participate in a clinical trial

To find out about Clinical Trials currently underway at Barwon Health, click here.


Research requires ongoing investment and there are several ways to support this amazing work.

You can make a donation today and contribute to an item on our research wish list, consider a bequest in your will, or establish a lasting legacy fund in your name. No matter what size, your philanthropic support with deliver an immediate impact.

To donate now or for more information and further discuss your support, please contact the Barwon Health Foundation.

Wish List

$1000 – $5000

  • A pharmacist led metabolic monitoring service for mental health clients
  • Pharmacist charting projects for surgical patients

$5,000 – $20,000

  • Medication outcomes of a pharmacist service in the home for at risk patient groups
  • An evaluation of in-house pharmacist within aged care homes on medication use and safety
  • Extended pharmacy technician scope of practice to improve patient flow and prioritisation of pharmacy service

> $20,000

  • Collaborative multi-site projects

Page last updated: December 23, 2024