The Research Data Management Service is available to assist all Barwon Health staff who require expertise in data management tasks at all stages of their research. It is important that researchers consider their project’s data management requirements at the beginning of the project, and this may be the most appropriate time to consult with the data manager. Some of the data management aspects to consider include data collection/generation, storage, access and resources.

Researchers can consult with the service about

  • Design and developing research databases and any other clinical research informatics.
  • Troubleshoot research data-related problems and authorize maintenance or modifications.
  • Designing research case report forms,
  • Creating research data management plans, developing metrics to report on study progress.
  • Delivering high-quality datasets for analysis.
  • Sourcing, extracting and formatting clinical data from the Barwon Health Clinical Databases for research
  • Creating and enforcing policies for quality research data management to ensure adequacy, accuracy and legitimacy of data eg. SOPs.

For more information on researchers’ responsibilities, please refer to Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and the NHMRC Management of Data and Information in Research.