Meeting dates & deadlines

The following dates and submission deadlines apply to the Barwon Health Human Research Ethics Committee meetings held throughout 2023 and 2024.

NB. There is no deadline for negligible risk/QA applications, site-specific assessment applications or amendments.

Submission Close Date

Final Wed of the previous month

Meeting Date

Second Wed of the month

2023 Dates
1 November 15 November
29 November 13 December
2024 Dates
31 January 14 February
21  February* 6 March*
27 March 10 April
24 April 8 May
22 May* 5 June*
26 June 10July
31 July 14 August
28 August 11 September
25 September 9 October
30 October 13 November
27 November 11 December

*Note earlier submission and meeting dates due to public holidays

The HREC’s feedback from the meeting will be sent on the Friday following each meeting.

Research Management Committee meetings are held every Wednesday at 3pm.

Principal Investigators (PIs) may be invited to attend the meeting to discuss their project and answer any queries that arise. The RMC encourages PIs to discuss complex projects with RMC early in development. If you would like to attend an RMC meeting for an early discussion of your project, please contact Nicola Cooley on

Expected timeframes for commercially sponsored trials:

  • Receive Research Governance Officer (RGO) review within 7 working days of submission
  • Once RGO deems submission complete and satisfactory, project is sent to the next RMC meeting
  • RMC feedback is sent to researchers by the Friday/Monday following each meeting

Expected timeframes for non-commercially sponsored trials:

  • Receive RGO review within 14 working days of submission
  • Once RGO deems submission complete and satisfactory, project is sent to the next RMC meeting
  • RMC feedback is sent to researchers by the Friday/Monday following each meeting

Delays in answering RGO or RMC queries will result in an extended timeframe.

The Coordinating Office for Clinical Trial Research offers online ERM training for applicants, sponsors and CROs throughout the year.

The schedule for ERM training is distributed through the Coordinating Office’s Streamline eBulletin which outlines upcoming training sessions and information on how to register. Training occurs on either a Tuesday or Thursday each week from 2-4pm via Microsoft Teams. There are three training sessions:

  • Introduction to ERM
  • SSA Applications
  • Post Approvals/Post Authorisations

To be added to the distribution list for the eBulletin, please email, or click here to view the most recent eBulletin.

You may also find the answers to your ERM questions here.

Take note of your HREC/SSA approval date. Your annual report is due every 12 months from this date for the life of your project.

Page last updated: July 5, 2024