1. Standard Operating Procedures

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of instructions to help researchers carry out operations associated with the research. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with regulations.

A national approach to implementing SOPs at public health organisations has been developed and a generic version of SOPs, and associated templates, are now available (see below). The national SOPs have been formally adopted and endorsed by Barwon Health to support uniformity in systems and procedures in the organisation in preparation for accreditation.

3. Ask an expert

Barwon Health has been conducting Clinical Trial Research for over 25 years. Many of the Clinical Trial Managers and Coordinators are a valuable resource to support those new to the areas of Clinical Trials. The table below lists individuals involved in clinical trial research willing to provide advice and support to those new to Clinical Trials or those embarking on new type of project, area, role or scope within Clinical Trials.

Name & Role Areas of Advice Contact Information
Bree Sarah

Research Operations Manager

Budgets & Contracts

Ethics and Governance

Finance & fees Resourcing & Operations


(03) 4215 2875

Natasha Savvides Research Safety and Quality Manager National Clinical Trials Governance Framework

Research related safety or quality


(03) 4215 3040

Research Development Unit Data management and analysis

Ethics and governance applications

Research design


0403 091 074

Beena Jeevan Raj

CTRSS-ATP Project Lead

Ethics Review Manager (ERM)


Laboratory Operations


Training and education


(03) 4215 0742

Olivia Dean

Director of Clinical Trials, Deakin University

Biological psychiatry Grants

Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial Research



(03) 4215 3300

Peter Schoch

Barwon Health Clinical Lead Physiotherapist (Orthopaedics)

Faculty McKenzie Institute Australia / McKenzie Institute International

Use of IPM, Datawarehouse


Musculoskeletal / orthopaedic research


(03) 4215 0826

Adrian Costa Clinical Trials Centre ​Advice and support on the conduct and set up of clinical trials

Book clinical rooms, offices, lab space or meeting room


(03) 4215 3053

Page last updated: July 22, 2024