
I am Director of Allied Health and a physiotherapist by background. Research has always been part of my career supporting evidence-based, patient focused care delivery from both clinical and management perspectives. I completed my Doctoral thesis in 2012 titled ‘Physical Activity following hip and knee arthroplasty – a mixed methods study’, which gave me a grounding in both qualitative and quantitative methodology.

Research Focus

My research focus has since been on the evaluation of allied health advanced practice models of care and allied health workforce capability building. I currently have several publications under review relating to attrition and retention of the allied health workforce, which makes me keenly aware of the challenges, rewards and competing demands for staff embedded in the health service undertaking research.

We have also been successful in obtaining a grant from the Pat Cosh Trust for a project focused on building a capability framework for physiotherapists delivering clinical education which I am looking forward to progressing over the next few months.

Awards & Achievements

  • Awarded a total of $940 000 in grant funding to develop advanced practice models of care in hospitals across Victoria and Australia
  • Awarded a total of $55 000 in various small research grant projects and travel scholarships
  • Published over 18 peer reviewed publications (4 pending review) and delivered 30+ conference presentations
  • Winner of Alfred Health Lucy Battistel Research Award (2013) ‘ Physical Activity following THA and TKA’
  • Winner of the Ko Awatea International Excellence in Health Improvement Award (2016) ‘Working above ‘PAR’ with a Victorian State-wide Initiative’

Feature Publications

  • Harding P et al. Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapists in post arthroplasty review clinics: a state wide implementation program evaluation. Physiotherapy. 2017 Aug 30.
  • Harding P et al. Patient experience of expanded-scope-of-practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy in the emergency department: a qualitative study. Australian Health Review. 2015 Apr 27
  • Harding P & Pearce A. Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy in public hospitals: utilizing a competency-based training and assessment approach. Physiotherapy. 2015 May 1;101
  • Harding P et al. Do activity levels increase after total hip and knee arthroplasty? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2014 May 1;472(5):1502-11.
  • Harding P et al. Early mobilisation for elbow fractures in adults (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 6.

How you can help

Participate in a Clinical Trial

To find out about Clinical Trials currently underway at Barwon Health, click here. To learn more about the Adrian Costa Clinical Trials Centre, click here.


Research requires ongoing investment and there are several ways to support our work. You can make a donation today and contribute to an item on our research group’s wish list, consider a bequest in your will, or establish a lasting legacy fund in your name. No matter what size, your philanthropic support will deliver an immediate impact to this important work. To donate now or for more information, please contact the Barwon Health Foundation.