
I have completed a B.Sci. (Hons), PhD, Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (Deakin University), Diploma of Management (Swinburne University in Partnership with St Vincent’s Health).

I have experience working as a Research Officer at the Baker Heart Research Institute (1998-2006) and have worked in the Research Governance Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne (2007-2010).

Following working in Melbourne, I returned to Geelong (2010) and began working at Barwon Health as the Ethics Submission Coordinator – Andrew Love Cancer Centre, Clinical Trials (2010-2013).

I am currently in the Research Team at the Oral Health Services Department, Barwon Health and am a member of the Barwon Health Research Review Committee.

Research Focus

My current research focus includes a quantitative audit of antimicrobials for prophylaxis or acute conditions in the public community dental clinic (2009 – 2020) with the hypothesis that there will be a reduction in use. Improving the education of staff about antimicrobial stewardship has led to a reduction in medication/medicament prescription in the public community dental clinic.

Awards & Achievements

  • National Heart Foundation of Australia – Travel Grant – 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Glasgow, UK (23 – 27th June, 1996).
  • International Society of Hypertension – Young Investigator Travel Award – 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Glasgow, UK (23-27th June, 1996).
  • Collier Charitable Fund – Assisted with writing grant for the Oral Health Services Department, Barwon Health to purchase HbA1c analysers. Received $29,000.00 (Dec 2015) to purchase analysers.
  • Alliance for Cavity Free Future (ACFF) – Assisted with writing grant for the Oral Health Services Department, Barwon Health –project – ‘Assessing barriers for improvement to oral health for Colac Otway Adolescents’ Received $8,050.00 (Feb 2016).

Feature Publications

  • Audit of gross decay in young children under general anaesthetic. Pawlak JA, Calache H, de Silva AM, Henry MJ, Smith M (2015) Dentistry 5 (Issue 6): 302.
  • A preventative approach to oral health for children in a regional/rural community in South-West Victoria, Australia. Mason A, Mayze L, Pawlak JA, Henry MJ, Sharp S, Smith M (2015) Dentistry 5 (Issue 7): 313.
  • ) The prevalence of caries free deciduous teeth upon visual examination in Kindergarten settings: a preventative approach to oral health for children in a regional community in South-West Victoria. Rogers MJ, Pawlak JA, Mason A, Mayze L, Sharp S, Smith M (2016 Journal of Preventative Medicine 1:2.
  • Embracing change in dental practice to deliver better health outcomes – a type 2 diabetes screening and oral health pilot program. Rogers MJ, Pawlak JA, Law S, Carroll L, Sharp S, Dunning T, Smith M (2017) Dentistry 7 (Issue 10):454.
  • Oral health of adolescents in the Colac-Otway Shire. Mayze L, Pawlak J, Rogers M, Smith M (2019) Aust. J. Rural Health 27(1):93-98.

How you can help


Research requires ongoing investment and there are several ways to support our work. You can make a donation today and contribute to an item on our research group’s wish list, consider a bequest in your will, or establish a lasting legacy fund in your name. No matter what size, your philanthropic support will deliver an immediate impact to this important work. To donate now or for more information, please contact the Barwon Health Foundation