Barwon Health and Deakin University Research and Grand Round Series

Welcome to the Barwon Health and Deakin University Research and Grand Round Series. This amalgamation of the Barwon Health and Deakin University Research Seminar Program with the Barwon Health Grand Round Program recognises the significant crossover between the expertise of Barwon Health and Deakin University clinicians and researchers. We hope it will further encourage collaboration, translation and cross pollination of ideas.

The Series, held each Tuesday during school terms at 12:30pm, is open to clinicians, researchers and students.

Attend the event in person

  • John Lindell Theatre, Level 4, University Hospital Geelong
  • Preceded by lunch at 12:15pm in the John Lindell Theatre foyer

Join from your PC or device:

  • Please click here to join. Webinar ID: 870 5301 4514
  • Password: 267357

Need help?

  • If you are having trouble, have questions or want instructions to join via teleconference, contact or +61 (03) 4215 3389.

Keep up to date

  • Subscribe to our weekly email here.

  • Tues 29 Oct: Sabbatical Reports. Andrew Brice, Bruce Bartley, Britt Fraser. Watch recording. Passcode *kTlT=1K
  • Tues 22 Oct: Learning, Safety and Sentinel Events (part 2). Karen Robins-Browne & Katherine Frick. Watch recording. Passcode 51J*h6Cf
  • Tues 15 Oct: Allied Health Research Showcase. Watch recording. Passcode z!*15QeG
  • Tues 8 Oct:  Learning, Safety and Sentinel Events (part 1).  Keren Day, Adele Williams, Greg Weeks. Watch recording. Passcode tWe@U!r9
  • Tues 17 Sept: GDMT in chronic kidney disease patients with co-morbidities. Patrick Mark. Watch recording. Passcode GP+ks8%A
  • Tues 10 Sept: Barwon Health North Urgent Care Service. Mark Napper, Tara Kimberley & Darren Smith. Watch recording. Passcode i+jHD*g2
  • Tues 3 Sept: The Youth Mental Health Crisis. Pat McGorry. Watch recording​. Passcode Qx5r#nv0
  • Tues 27 August: The No Unnecessary Tests Initiative. Mark Henderson. Watch recording. Passcode i.4+gza+
  • Tues 20 August: Emotions in clinical practice. Claire McKie. Watch recording. Passcode .x6gx4hI
  • Tues 13 August: Optimising antimicrobial stewardship in Australian Primary Care. Dr Sajal Sahar. Watch recording. Passcode L.3TT7C4
  • Tues 6 August: Hepatitis can’t wait. Amanda Wade and team. Watch recording. Passcode c3@ZZ8#D
  • Tues 30 July. Sabbatical reports. Shaun Ryan, Jo Centra, Joe McCaffrey. Watch recording. Passcode h72P!@Nd
  • Tues 23 July: The BH DU Medical Student Research Showcase. Ryan Buhagiar, Aisha Buckle, Hannah Julseth and Shilini Hemalal. Watch recording. Passcode !xaiUw5?
  • Tues 16 July:  Can there be a precision medicine for psychiatry? Suresh Sundram. Watch recording. Passcode kEB.u3&v
  • Tues 11 June: The interface between Palliative Care and stroke. Peter Eastman. Watch recording. Passcode 3b2B%xh=
  • Tues 4 June: Non-pharmaceutical approaches to Pain management. Jo Sheedy. Watch recording. Passcode V1VR*13H
  • Tues 28 May: A new assay to help diagnose Whipple’s Disease. Stephen Graves. Watch recording. Passcode 8v.WKhNt
  • Tues 23 April: Autism incidence, drivers and mechanisms. Luba Sominsky and Chloe Love. Watch recording. Passcode +1Y$3QsA
  • Tues 16 April: Agar Memorial Lecture: Athletes’ hearts – same genes, different animals. Andre La Gerche. Watch recording. Passcode D7p^WY!3
  • Tues 26 March: Child rights and the future of marketing regulations. Navoda Liyana Pathirana. Watch recording. Passcode v5Cn2W#X
  • Tues 19 March: Concussion. Brooke Doherty and team. Watch recording. Passcode 5?ytnVH6
  • Tues 12 March: Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS). Traudi Almhofer & Yvette Console. Watch recording. Passcode E$6Wtg#!
  • Tues 5 March:  A study of dietary interventions in aged care to reduce hip and non-vertebral fracture. Sandra Iuliano. Watch recording. Passcode b6!3AAi1
  • Tues 27 Feb: The impact of incivility in healthcare and the skills to navigate it. Hayden Richards. Watch recording. Passcode: sdwY8y0&
  • Tues 20 Feb: Bipolar General: My Forever War With Mental Illness. Gregg Martin. Watch recording. Passcode PX*2Tes4
  • Tues 13 Feb: Breaking into research: a how to guide for research-curious health practitioners and clinicians. Watch recording. Passcode pYu70K&*
  • Tues 6 Feb: Vernon Plueckhahn Oration: 6 Degrees of Taylor Swift. Professor Eugene Athan. Watch recording. Passcode h+#14$C8

  • Tues 14 November: CCOPM Paediatric Audit. Dave Fuller. Watch recording. Passcode 2=M?n=FX
  • Tues 31 October: Normalcy in mental illness incidence. Lars Kessing. Watch recording. Passcode p83=jgAW
  • Tues 17 October: Kate Huggins. The DELIVER Project. Watch recording. Passcode 3V!Ak3!S
  • Tues 10 October: Nicole Kiss. Malnutrition diagnosis and predicting outcomes in people with cancer. Watch recording. Passcode Dk&SG38A
  • Tues 3 October: Peter Miller, Vida Luimaite and Jacinta Bourke. Improving Health Service responses to patients with complex and multiple needs.  Watch recording. Passcode .3jVaA7B
  • Tues 12 Sept: Prof Suzanne Robinson and Dr Ha Le. Health economics in family & child health. Watch recording. Passcode !%0^0viD
  • Tues 5 Sept: A/Prof Claus Desler. Role of mitochondria and senescence in age-related diseases. Watch recording. Passcode 1^m^z^4F
  • Tues 29 Aug: Collaboratively combating workplace violence in our ED. Emergency Medicine Education team. Watch recording. Passcode &hAv4TE8
  • Tues 22 Aug: A Greener Barwon Health. Dr Mike Forrester.  Watch recording. Passcode +4IU%4hN
  • Tues 8 Aug: Tania Elderkin Oration by Dr Neil Eastwood. Watch recording. Passcode Vy=C5x8w
  • Tues 1 Aug: Bias in AI. Dr Yves Aquino. Watch recording. Passcode #!5cKic4
  • Tues 25 July: Creating healthy environments for children. Prof Colin Bell. Watch recording. Passcode 1ey*WvUv
  • Tues 11 July: Genomic Epidemiology for Malaria Control. Prof Alyssa Barry. Watch recording. Passcode 9xMv?7Zz
  • Tues 6 June: Diet in IBS and IBS trials. Prof Kevin Whelan. Watch recording. Passcode Q5q1D&hv
  • Tues 31 May: Is Vaping our new Pandemic? Watch recording. Passcode gG3gE#5M
  • Tues 16 May: Psychology Research Showcase. Watch recording. Passcode 8x=TEAC^
  • Tues 2 May: Ian Lyall Lecture: Hypo & Hypernatraemia. A/Prof Laila Rotstein. Watch recording. Passcode a=!d6wzx
  • Tues 28 March: Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Dr Lauren Beswick and Dr Heidi Staudacher. Watch recording. Passcode ^Y%g3CEZ
  • Tues 21 March: Research partnerships for healthy food retail. Miranda Blake. Watch recording. Passcode Y=Tz8?mN
  • Tues 14 March. Values in clinical decision making. Sharyn Milnes. Watch recording. Passcode 7.Twy85?
  • Tues 7 March. QPS Showcase. Vidanka Vasilevski & Renee Fiolet. Watch recording. Passcode 7=rNZ9r^
  • Tues 28 Feb: Rebuilding a jaw in a day. Felix Sim & Simra Azher. Watch recording. Passcode **n3G1w^
  • Tues 21 Feb: Emergency Dept Research Update. Watch recording. Passcode 98ruZ+49
  • Tues 14 Feb: Winners of the 2022 BH DU Best Research Poster Awards. Watch recording. Passcode &cDVZp&1
  • Tues 7 Feb: Vernon Plueckhahn Oration: Clinician-based research. Daniel O’Brien. Watch recording. Passcode xGFe!S@1

Research Poster Virtual Exhibition

Here’s your chance to enjoy the posters submitted for a 2024 Research Poster Award by our best and brightest Barwon Health-affiliated researchers.

We invite you to take a virtual walk through the exhibition at your leisure.

Click here to view the exhibition.

Page last updated: November 1, 2024